Deciding what to grow!

Deciding what to grow!

PLEASE PUT DOWN THE SEEDLINGS! YES – This is totally fun bit BUT let’s cover some ground rules first before you start throwing your money at all the plants (Trust me – I know how hard they are to resist!).

Whilst it’s tempting to want one of everything, I’m sorry to report that you’re going to need to narrow it down a little bit. The amount of space you have to grow on of course impacts how much you can grow, but another equally important factor is the amount time and people power you have to put into your flower growing empire.

My flower farm is a tiny 20M by 10M patch, as well as a quarter acre back yard, and whilst I dream of more space all the time – I currently can’t possibly manage any more garden or farm, and even if I were to take on a farm employee, that section of my business in the market I am in wouldn’t support that person’s salary. So, I’ve worked out some ground rules to help me reign it in when it comes to deciding what to grow.

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