My, must grow dahlias!
It's the time of year where I am just swimming in dahlias! What a treat!
Over the years I’ve grown a lot of different varieties but because I grow on such a small amount of space I have to be very picky about who gets to stay. Don’t get me wrong, narrowing it down and booting beautiful under performers is HARD, but until I’ve got a paddock of my own (and several more hours in my week!) I’ve got to be a bit of a tough nut about it!
Here are my (current!) favourites for each colour.
White: Boundary Snowflake
Cream: Formby Pearl
Yellow: Glenbank honeycomb
Gold: Golden Nugget
Orange: Bracken palomino / Delbard Gange
Peach: West Coast
Salmon: Salmon Joy
Coral: Buckajo Watermelon
Soft pink: Glenmarc Margaret / Formby Pearl
Bright pink: Winkie Cavalier / Florelie Oracle
Red: Cornel
Burgundy: Pixie Rose
Lilac: Shirley Yeoman
And yes if you just keep on coming up with more colour descriptors… it means you can have more dahlias! Hooray!